location northern Germany, the land of Schleswig-Holstein


“Nie entschuldigen, Baby. Nie reden. Blumen schicken. Ohne Brief. Nur Blumen. Die decken alles zu. Sogar Gräber.”
Erich Maria Remarque, “Drei Kameraden”

““Never apologize. Never talk. Send flowers. No letter. Only flowers. They cover up everything. Even graves. "
Erich Maria Remarque, The Three Comrades

And indeed, flowers are with us all our life. On holidays and on weekdays; in moments of long-awaited meetings and when it's time to say goodbye. Angrily thrown down, neatly stacked in a bouquet, confidently squeezed in his hand, indifferently thrown into the trash. In a vase from Baccarat and in a chipped glass.

Collages, panels, screens, garlands, ikebana, Christmas Advent compositions and wreaths for All Saints' Day - the real pro here is Mrs. Maria - our most creative employer. Once in her business, you find yourself in Eden. Aroma of greenery, pine needles, dried flowers. Nice music. Lots of smiles and the process of creating beauty.

Do you want to see it all with your own eyes? Then rather read the conditions:


northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein


Minimum wage: 12 Euro/hour
Somedays chord work. Indicative rate: set daily by the employer, approximate earnings to 80 euros / day.


Making Christmas wreaths, flower decorations.
Among other types of work: packaging of finished products, sending for sale.

Working hours:

usually at the peak of the season the working day lasts from 7:00 am to 19:00 with a long lunch break at 14:00. There are also breaks in the morning and in the evening - a total of 3 per day. (Working hours within the legally possible framework)
Work - 7 days a week


Usually from two to four people in the apartment (large house with well-equipped rooms, each block has a separate bathroom and kitchen, as well as Wi-Fi.
Accommodation costs 4 € / day, including utensils, bed linen, gloves for work.
The company and the apartment are located in 1 house. On the first floor - a place of work, on the second floor - housing.


The nearest shop is 15 minutes from the company
Additional shopping opportunities are available in the large city of Neumünster (Holsten Shopping Center)
List of necessary things:


Good mood, optimism, friendliness
The employer provides gloves, bed linen and utensils

Rubber boots (warm shoes)
Euro card
Vaccination from Covid
Health insurance is provided by the employer
* Please note that proper names (names of employers, names of cities, companies, etc.) may be partially or completely changed due to the business competition.


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